Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Amazing Ale Alemantacion Y Fisica" Take a Look At Her Now.... "Wow"!!!!

She is Amazing....

She is Confident....

She is Classy.....
A True Beauty...
Possessing Personality...

With a Girl Next Door Look.... 
She Has Style....
She Has Grace....

And Such A Pretty Face.....
It has been an awesome experience working with such a wonderful young lady. I will keep adding to this page so stay tuned and look for my updates... Obviously the pictures are truly breathtaking, and Ale is a natural, she has worked hard and taken advice and used it like the "Pro" she has become.
Ale I enjoy every moment I spend with you. Thanks for letting me adopt you and call you daughter. Your friendship means more than you will ever know.
 "Only the best do their best always and you are one of the best!" With Love and Affection I will continue to do my best for you and others.
Again thanks for the opportunity to continue to make dreams come true! You truly have helped as I miss my family while 3,000 miles from Graceland...............




Monday, June 3, 2013

Putting It All Together! (Go Ale, Go!)

"This Little Stick Of Dynamite Continues To Ignite!"

She is a double threat as she practices what she preaches. If your smart you will ask, as she possesses not only the classroom knowledge, she now has practical experience to share. What a reward for me as I watch this young adult with maturity, discipline, consistency and a drive that inspires all, including this broken down old man. Thanks to Ale Alementacion y Fisica. I now possess a drive that was escaping through my fingers like sand. I have been living in Merida, Mexico for the past 3 years and was trying to come to grips with others that it is far easier to buy into industry lies and false prophecies to accomplish goals. This war continues daily across the world not only here. She has reminded me of why I do what I do.

 Being a father of a wonderful daughter who is 29 years old, and a mother of my two grandchildren, missing my son 15 years while he continues to excel in baseball and hopefully back on the football this fall.
Alejandra has given me the opportunity to at least mend my own fence. She has become dear to my heart as one of my own, taking information and using it. Practicing her new found education with diligence and a smile, although it is not easy, she continues down the path focused on the prize. Determined she truly demonstrates what the word "Best" means. As a father to my two children they learned this young and I'm sure they do their best daily as do I. The prize is doing your best everyday will make you your "Best!" Are you doing your best!

This is my  "Beautiful Daughter Dusty",
Son In Law Mike, Grandsons: Benjamin (3) and Quinten (1)

Oh they are dearly missed!

This is my #1 son "The One and Only!"

Ian Redmond  ...  #36
(I wish I was there!)

Ale is now down to 14% body fat and has kept her strength, sporting new found muscle on her frame she is a knock out! Countless numbers of friends and clients have commented on her success and she has ignited a fire throughout our gym as well as outside. I owe this young lady a lot of gratitude as she is helping change the attitude about this "Immigrant" to the Yucatan Peninsula, I call home for now and hopefully forever as I offer my Best as a constant once again. Oh how thankful I am to get this kind of effort and passion out of one. Rephrase that it is Ale that does it on her own and I just give helpful knowledge and help her use her education practically.

Ale is a hard working student graduating this month from UVM with a Bachelors Degree in Nutrition.

 She enjoys training in a pain threshold that others may not understand called "pyruvate acid" and using anabolic strength to accomplish goals. She uses absolutely the most proper principles and techniques direct muscle specific to gain ground and bring about body change quickly as she has the discipline others lack. This can not be bought it is built into her DNA to succeed at all cost. She started her fat loss by beating herself doing interval training, and now has added a 3 hour walk as well as using the stair climber for over an hour. She now trains in the evenings pushing heavy weight 3 times a week, followed by intermediate resistance training the other 3 days.

Daily in my life I have the reward of working with this absolutely amazing young adult, and it has helped fill some of my emptiness due to missing my own children. It is impossible to express my gratitude in words, may my closing pictures sum up why. "Thanks for helping mend a part of my fence." With Dearest Admiration." your Amigo.... Physical Ed..........

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

She is "One Of A Kind"!

Since landing here on planet Merida, Mexico 3 years and 1 month ago, I have yet to me another like this special person. She is truly being all that she can be. Alejandra came to me a year ago and asked me if I would be willing to help her. Little did I know that she would be helping me. I left my family 3 years and 1 month ago. Oh the whole that it has left in my heart. Thank you Alejandra for letting me be a part of your life and lifting a portion of that burden by being a true friend, I appreciate what we share and look forward to working with you and watching you become truly amazing.

This young lady asked for my assistance and literally took the ball and ran with it crossing each yard line along the way with an amazing attitude. She has worked with diligence and perseverance as no other. She possesses discipline, consistency, and is incredibly self motivated. Ale never sets the bar low, she is an overachiever at all she sets her mind to. She has and continues to gain self confidence in a land that is over ran by discourage comments of you can't do that! She shows that she can and is a great role model as she knocks down barrier after barrier. This is one tough independent person that all should pay attention to, as much can be learned by how she carriers herself.

It is a privilege and an honor to work with Alejandra. A year ago when we started she used word like I can't, I shouldn't I couldn't and I wouldn't. Now it is bring it on. I should, I could, I can, I will etc.. this positive attitude that she possesses moves mountains and brings about change. Her work ethic has gone from the average to a driven character that can not be bent or broken. Not only does she have an amazing amount of physical strength but she has a will from within to work in a threshold of lactic acid pain most fear. Ale has gone from moving a small amount of weight with higher repetitions to moving the bus. She amazes all that watch in the gym female and male alike, as a matter of fact she moves more weight in a workout than most of the athletes men included. She is what we all want to be and more.

With commitment she worked for 8 months and on a see food diet (eat everything you see) and moving weight in a progressive fashion, moving weight without fear, using proper technique with precise movement to gain as much muscle tissue as possible. It has been a privilege with the greatest return of my investment, it is watching Alejandra truly become all she can be and that is not only in
the gym.

This wonder of a women is currently a student at UVM in her
last year of her bachelor's degree in nutrition. I have enjoyed applying what she has learned into her practical experience that she has used on herself, what a great way to learn, and show others what you can provide with your knowledge. Ale is incredibly intelligent and well educated, she can carry a conversation with all, in either language Spanish as well as English. She is at the top of class, scoring at marks few achieve. She is currently working with the Yucatan Government as an intern where she uses her newfound craft and skill. I know many will benefit as she has passion for her work.


So pay attention as she continues her pursuit in life. There is much more to come from this pint sized powerhouse that I could never turn my back on, as she continues to put joy, happiness and a smile on the faces of all who know her. I call her partner "Ale Alementacion y Fisica" with deserved love and affection thanks for being you!

I look forward to the future, how can I not! as that is all I have but memories. (Physical Ed)
My best to all who have the opportunity and do something with it!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Right To Bare Arms!

Ale Alementacion Y Fisico and Physical Ed are and have been working hard, provig facts as song writer Phil Collins said "Take a Look at Me Now..." With discipline, effort and facts we are headed toward our goals. Take a look at what you can accomplish as well as the Dynamic Dou continue on thier path fighting for health, happiness and the pursuit of more muscle! We have earned the Right to Bare Arms can you!

These two are also the founding members of "Physical Ed's Special Forces" a tactical team to help difuse the myths and send you on your way to "Bare Arms!"

With the completion ot the "Special Forces Double Secret Greeting" which is not shown in it's entirity as to remain double secret its time to bring it on!

"It's Getting Hot Out Here!" So Take Off Some Of Our Clothes"  sounds like another song (Nelly)
"So Hit It and use it for some background music..........."


I'm working on as I am working on myself ... time to train............